Dear families,
We are delighted to announce that we are back at Bubup Nairm!!
The City of Port Phillip has now completed the works at Bubup Nairm Family and Children's Centre, which focused on improved functionality and meeting the building code and accessibility requirements for people with disabilities. The works included but were not limited to replacing the playgroup room doors, adding a pedestrian ramp leading to the Bubup Nairm car park and improving the toilets for people with disabilities.
From Monday , 4th of June, everything starts as usual and all the groups can start meeting up again at Bubup according to the time slots they previously had, if you don´t remember yours, please, find attached the timetable.
As you know, as a playgroup member your Playgroup Victoria membership must be valid and up to date. The price for PV membership is currently $55 ($45 concession) from which $15 goes towards public liability insurance, new toys, tea, coffee, communication to members… and the rest for Playgroup Victoria for insurance purposes. You can check Playgroup Victoria benefits here: https://www.playgroup.org.au/pvmembership/Family-Membership.aspx Your membership is valid for 12 months from the day you sign up/renew your membership.
To become a member of St Kilda Playgroup or to renew your membership please visit our new website: https://www.stkildaplaygroup.org.au/ (Many thanks to our Secretary Amabely, who made the website happens). Please click on "Join" and follow the prompts. Please make sure to write your name in the bank reference to help us track your payment.
Unfortunately, most of the toys and equipment we had got damaged while the works were being carried out. As a result, we would like to ask you to consider donating any toys that are in good condition which you no longer need or want. We are more than happy to take them and give them a new life! We are also buying some new toys. If your children love to play with something special, please let us know. We would love to hear your suggestions and ideas.
From time to time it is necessary to merge groups to cater for new mums/dads and their babies. If your group has not replied to any of our previous emails or your member numbers are low due to most of you having gone back to work, we may get in touch with you to discuss a potential merger with another group.
Starting Monday 4th of June, it is mandatory for all members to sign in at reception before every playgroup session.